Saturday, September 19, 2020

Crown the King!

Crown the King! It’s Rosh Hashanah / The Feast of Trumpets, and we eat round challah to celebrate the King in our midst as He opens the Books of Life and Death.

I love making this six-strand braided challah “crown” because it reminds me:
  • God created for six days (six strands)
  • He is King of all creation, to the four corners of the earth (four sides/corners)
  • The Old Covenant nation was made of twelve tribes, the New Covenant people began with twelve disciples, and the New Jerusalem will be built on twelve foundations with twelve gates (twelve strand ends)
  • Our Triune God is in all and holds all things together (three strands braided on each side)
  • Our Messiah God is the Bread of Life, Who nourishes and sustains us all with His spirit and His Word
Happy {round} Challah Day 👑